Monday, June 24, 2013


2 Corinthians 5:7. "For we live by faith, not by sight."

This scripture is one that I find myself constantly repeating. When dealing with "little" things, when dealing with "bigger" things, when worried about upcoming decisions that I have no control over, (Even typing that makes me think "WHY am I worried? I can't do anything about it." it's all just frustrating.) I have to hand it over to God. Hand it over to the person who knows what is best in the long run.

After all, it's His will that brought us into this situation, and I have to say He knew the best way. He knows what He's doing. He is the one who knows how it will all work out, and I need to have faith that it will work out. I know it will, because He is in charge.

But don't think for a second I'm not trying to figure it out on my own. Even if His way is not the "best" way "I" think it should happen, it IS the best way for the situation. I need to take a few steps back and hand it over.

It's hard.

I know it wouldn't be if I had complete faith.

So I will end with this. I DO have faith. He knows best. His best and my preference might not be what I think is best for the current situation, but ultimately, HE does know best.

I also know He understands that being a landlord is not easy. I am ready for this title I've had for the last 2 years to be removed from my resume. It will happen, when He is ready for me to walk that path. It will come in due time.

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