Thursday, August 18, 2011

Screams, Sighs, and Giggles... Part 1

6:00 AM - "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" DH drags me out of bed. Literally. It's the only way I won't go back to sleep. (Seriously. I promise.)
6:05 AM - Hit the shower.
6:15 AM - "Hi Mommy, I heard you in 'da shower so I came in here." - The most adorable little Buzz Lightyear stands before me, watching me dry off. (What about privacy? Oh yeah. I'm a mom.)
6:17 - get dressed. Tell DS to go potty.
6:20 - Attempt to brush my hair. But it's too tangled, so I spray detangler in it, pull it up in a messy pony tail, and brush my teeth.
6:23 - turn on my Keurig. Pull some waffles out of the freezer for DS. Microwave 1 minute. Butter, no syrup. Pull out another set for DD. Microwave 1 minute. Butter and syrup. Add two prunes. She loves them. Pull out another set of waffles for DBS. Throw them in the toaster, but don't toast them. Wait for him to do it whenever he is ready. Which this morning, took a LONG time. That kiddo piddles around and gripes for about 20 minutes every morning. More than anyone else I know, not counting, ahem, ME of course..... Trade out my K cup, pull out some french toast, microwave for 20 seconds, spread some peanut butter on each piece, and hit the large mug size so my coffee starts brewing.
6:30 - Time to wake DD. "Knock, knock, knock..." and after a few stretches, she's up.
6:34 - 3 of us are eating breakfast together. In comes DH, dressed and ready to go for the day. (I don't get it!) He sits down at the table with us.
6:40 - DBS finally comes over to eat. With a blanket on his head. DC think this is HILARIOUS. Me, not so much. DH is ignoring it all.
6:41 - DS is practically dancing in his seat. I say, AGAIN, "GO POTTY!" Off he runs.
6:41:32 (or about) "uh oh Mommy...." all I can think is "CRAP!" I walk down the hall to the bathroom, where I find PEE everywhere. E.VERY.WHERE. Up the wall. All over the toilet paper roll. On the floor. EVERYWHERE. I accidentally let those inner voices out of my head and replied with "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! STOP PEEING EVERYWHERE! Hit the WATER! Not the WALL!" Oops. Didn't mean for that scream to get out. But it did. So I grab a towel, and start mopping up the pee. Groan, groan, grr, grunt. Straight to the washer with that pee-soaked towel. Wash hands. Clean up DS. Wash hands again, steer DS and DD out of the bathroom (she appeared when I started screaming. Yay.) In comes DH with the 409. Bless his heart.
6:45 - DD's turn to go potty, brush teeth, and wet her hair so it's easier to fix.
6:50 - DD is still in there. I open the door, there she is, standing just as I left her 5 minutes ago, and hasn't done anything. She was just looking at and talking to herself in the mirror. *sigh*
6:51 - after a little talking to...DD is finally doing as she was told.
6:55 - get DS and DD dressed. Good thing I laid their clothes out the night before.
6:57 - Where did I put my coffee?
7:00 - Get backpacks and lunchboxes together.
7:05 - realize my travel coffee mug lid is all messed up. Dump out of that mug into another, and microwave for 30 seconds.
7:06 - Fix DD's hair.
7:10 - DH and DBS leave for school.
I don't recall what happened during the next 20 minutes, but something had to have happened, because we were all in the right place at the right time.
7:30 - DD, DS and I leave to take DD to school.
7:40 - arrive at school, to wait in the car-rider drop off lane. Kiss, kiss, hug, hug "Have a great day DD! Love you!"
7:50 - get out of the van at the park. Instant sweat. Can we say humidity? 7:55, we're back in the van, because DS saw a large flying insect that he wasn't fond of. Mommy to the rescue. Windows up, A/C on, we're both happy.

**Part 2 will continue tomorrow. I'm so sleepy, I can't keep my eyes open. Stay tuned for funny stuff!**

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