Friday, August 19, 2011

Screams, Sighs, and Giggles....Part 3 (and last post of series)

2:00 - Arrive home. Get DS out of the van, grab his scooter, a shovel and whatever else will entertain him while I unload the van. Start the process of unloading the van, and realize that my nicely stacked boxed goods are no longer nicely stacked. Guess I took a corner to close or something. Who knows. I glance at all of my "goods," and make a plan of attack. I get in the swing of things, only to be interrupted because DS needs help with putting on his helmet. What mom can get upset over that kind of interruption? A 3 year old making sure he is safe and protected? Awww.... OK. Back to the van. I organize into groups: freezer, fresh, boxed, cans and meat to separate into smaller portions to freeze. Luckily I still have my 4 coolers to help keep stuff cold. So I get all these "piles" formed in the driveway, and what does it start to do? RAIN. RAIN??? The sky isn't dark or anything! It hasn't rained pretty much all summer, and the moment I get a month's worth of groceries organized in the driveway, it starts raining. *Sigh....* so I start grabbing stuff to pull under the breezeway and so at least it's covered... and closer to the door. Why don't I just take it all inside, you ask? Simply because DS is happy outside right now, and I will not go inside if he is outside, so for the sake of his happiness, I do my organizing outside! Even it's 101 degrees. (Guess it's "cooler" in Arkansas than in Texas.)
2:35 - A UPS delivery, scooter-ing up and down the driveway, putting all the freezer stuff in the deep freeze and digging up all kinds of stuff later, DS is ready to go in. (Yay!) I haul everything inside while he plays on the computer. Now comes the fun part... putting away. DH, DD, and DBS come home in 50 minutes, so I make a lofty goal to get it all done before then. #FAIL. I'm only just beginning to divide stuff into smaller portions when they get home. DH and DD are ELATED that there is NEW food in the house, so much to choose from! DBS, on the other hand, is grumpy because nothing looks good to him. So 4/5 of us have a snack, and we go our separate ways. We won't be needing dinner for a bit, so I dive back into my project.
4:30 - DBS starts whining that he's hungry. "Get a snack!" I say. (Groan, groan, groan, whine, whine, whine is all I hear from him.)
4:35 - I ask DH when he wants dinner. He replies 5:30, to which DBS whines even more. "I'M STARVING!!!" "GET A SNACK THEN!" DH and I both reply. I go back to my project and DH goes back to his TV and laptop-ing.
4:50 - DBS has been boo who-ing for 15 minutes, and I've had it. I get out the steaks for DH and myself (DC don't like steak, and DH had been craving it terribly), and ask him to go ahead and start grilling them. He gets up, puts on his flip flops, looks at me and says "I wasn't ready to start grilling yet." He then quickly walks outside to start the grill. Good thing, because I think I would have reached across the bar at that point and punched him. While he's been off in virtual and TV lala land, I've been dealing with a whiny 10 year old who won't stop having his pity party. Even though I'm doing a good job of ignoring his pity party, I'm annoyed as all get out. I scream inside my head. Apparently DH and I had a miscommunication, I took his 5:30 dinner time for "food on the table, ready to eat" not just start grilling. :-/ I scream in my head, again.
5:15 - Kids' food is ready to be served. DH and I will wait for our food to be done before we eat. No big deal. Now we have 3 happy kids, so let them dig in! Make that 2 happy kids. DS is stressing because we aren't all sitting at the table for the blessing. I think we have a future religious negotiator on our hands. I don't know the official term, but his lawyer-ing and prayer requesting skills at 3 are better than many adults' that I know. So DH (who is back and forth between the kitchen and the deck) and I pause for the blessing, it is said, and all is well with the world.
5:30 - DH comes in with our steaks. The gas on the grill finally ran out... in the middle of grilling. Of course it did. So we have to finish them in the microwave. There is nothing like a microwaved steak. *Sigh...*
7:15 - Food is eaten, baths and showers for DD and DS have been taken, chores are finished, and it's finally time to wind down for the day. They are in their jammies, and I read them their Bible story. Then we talk about it. Prayers are said, hugs and kisses are given, I sing to them and tuck them in. Such precious times. DBS comes in to read to them, which they all love. It's so cute!
7:35 - I go outside to water my very thirsty beloved plants.
8:00 - I come back in, all sweaty and yucky, to find DS standing at the top of the stairs saying he was so sad because he couldn't find me. He was "looking an' looking for you (me) but I could not find you! Sniff, sniff.." LOL. He's so cute. But dang it, he is supposed to be sleeping! I give him hugs, and tell him to go back to bed. He says he needs to hear twinkle twinkle. Realizing he won't ask for this much longer, I head to their room to sing to him. Make it them. DD is still awake. (This causes a little stress for me because she has to be rested for Kindergarten!) So I "Twinkle, Twinkle" them, and off to night night land they go.
8:10 - I feel like it's midnight. I think about what a day we had, Thank God for my wonderful life, and decide that I should blog about my day. One this good just NEEDS to be shared. By 10:00, I'm jotting down my day for post #1, and falling asleep while writing. Apparently I hit "publish," because when I woke up at 11:30, with the laptop still on my lap, I "woke up" the computer and it said "post published!" Oh good gravy, did I "add" something while I was sleeping? Too tired to figure it out, I decide I will do so in the morning. If I'd only known I'd be up with a not-feeling-so-great little girl 30 minutes later, I'd have gone ahead and checked. Oh well, so goes the life of this momma. I love it! (Giggles, Grins, and sighs........) :)

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